Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Chinese are drilling for oil in the disputed territory of Ogaden in southeastern Ethiopia.
The desert territory runs along the Somalian border and is the traditional home of Somali nomads.
It became part of Ethiopia during post-WWII British rule and remains an unofficial part of Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government and the Ogaden National Liberation Force are at war.
In an attempt to cover the fight, two Swedish Journalists, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye, snuck into the country and imbedded in the ONLF.
They were arrested in July and now a judge in Addis Ababa has ordered that they stand trial for terrorism under a new anti-terrorist law that criminalizes giving information about how the government fights what it declares to be terrorist organizations.
Two Ethiopians were also charged under the new law.
4 Journalists Face Terrorism Charges in Ethiopia - Nazret
The Chinese are drilling for oil in the disputed territory of Ogaden in southeastern Ethiopia.
The desert territory runs along the Somalian border and is the traditional home of Somali nomads.
It became part of Ethiopia during post-WWII British rule and remains an unofficial part of Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government and the Ogaden National Liberation Force are at war.
In an attempt to cover the fight, two Swedish Journalists, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye, snuck into the country and imbedded in the ONLF.
They were arrested in July and now a judge in Addis Ababa has ordered that they stand trial for terrorism under a new anti-terrorist law that criminalizes giving information about how the government fights what it declares to be terrorist organizations.
Two Ethiopians were also charged under the new law.
4 Journalists Face Terrorism Charges in Ethiopia - Nazret